
Discover the features of our SaaS platform that will bring more efficiency and agility to your post production.

notebook com a bandeira do brasil

100% Brazilian tool

player com uma marcação

We are the only post-production software with an interface in Portuguese.

Sharing content directly to your customer

Sharing content directly with the customer speeds up the transmission of information, strengthens the relationship, improves the approval process and makes the flow much more efficient. It increases the chances of success.

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Feedback on the exact frame

With the feedback feature on the exact frame of the video, you receive specific and targeted comments for each moment of your content, improving editing, narrative and visual quality.

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icone dos plugins davinci e premiere

Plugins for Adobe Premiere and Da Vinci Resolve

icone dos plugins davinci e premiere

Download our plugins and access Wolkie directly through your favorite editing tool.

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Easy management of sharing links

Have all the links shared with your customers in one place and simplify sharing management.

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Hassle-free approval

Speed ​​up and facilitate your client's approval process. With an uncomplicated approach, simplify the flow and ensure greater efficiency and speed.

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Humanized support

Service entirely in Portuguese, without the need to go through an automated service.

Custom branding

Enhance the experience with a dashboard that reflects your brand's identity, using the producer's colors and logo.

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Custom Permissions

Make team collaboration easier by adjusting permissions for collaborators and freelancers. Ensure security and privacy, allowing each person to have adequate access to files.

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Cloud Storage

Simplifying file management. Choose a suitable plan, collaborate remotely, manage your media securely.

Advanced search

Access our advanced filter, designed to facilitate media management, especially for those customers who have a lot of videos. This feature allows for a more precise and efficient search, helping to locate the desired files.

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Wolkie Transfer

Confie na segurança do armazenamento da Wolkie para proteger seus arquivos mais importantes. Backup automatizado, criptografia robusta e acesso seguro.

Integrate your on-premises infrastructure with our hybrid cloud, providing flexibility and scalability for your broadcast operations. Transfer large volumes of data quickly and securely between your workstation and our platform, optimizing your workflow.

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aplicativo wolkie com o player aberto

Remote access

Remote access is crucial for home office teams, providing flexibility, efficient collaboration, and instant access to information and files. This results in greater productivity and makes remote work successful.

Native app for iOS and Android

aplicativo wolkie com o player aberto

We offer our system both via desktop browser and through our mobile application, called "Wolkie". To access it on your cell phone, simply search for and download the app from your app store.

imagem botao para apple storeimagem botao para play store
aplicativo wolkie com o player aberto